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What Does a
Design Studio
Business Do?
& create

Design Studio’s are agencies, organisations or independent freelancers who ideate and create visually communicative collateral for clients.

There’s more than meets the eye with this definition. To fully understand its business leveraging, we must first understand both the importance of collateral and the importance of communicating a brand.

Collateral is an industry term for the media used to accompany product or service messages. While collateral was traditionally only associated with materials that supported a physical sale, such as a product catalog, it has broadened in recent years to encompass nearly all visually dominant materials associated with a brand across consumer touch-points and lifecycles, from websites and flyers to front-of-shop signs.

Branding, at its simplest, is how you want consumers to feel and think about your business. What associations do you want to come to mind? What emotions do you want to instill? What adjectives would you like people to use if and when they describe your company?

Therefore, we now have the terms necessary to answer what a graphic design business does — they create the media that helps create their client’s brand.

What Can
A Design Studio
Create for
your Business?

A Design Studio partner will be a linchpin in establishing your visibility, familiarity and value in a market. Yet this relationship goes two ways, as the best corporate graphic designs don’t just appear out of thin air.

On the client’s end, a business must provide company background and communicate relevant values, beliefs and details. The graphic designer or design agency takes that information and siphons it into visual concepts.

That collateral can be a number of things broken down into the following three categories:

Professional visual assets are those which relay to others your authority and industry expertise. This includes materials like business cards, business illustrations and custom direct mailings.

Most important, though, they’ll revolve around your company’s logo — a central product of graphic design and one of the staples an agency or freelancer can create for you.

A business without a logo is like a person without a face. Ensure you have this critical professional asset designed today.


Physical assets are your tangible branded goods. They’re the collateral you or your customers can hold in their hands, from printed flyers, brochures and pamphlets to actual product packaging.

They can be the banners and signs you display on your storefront or the branded merchandise you hand out at a sponsored event.

And of course, they highlight your logo, that all-important graphic-design staple.


The most contemporary assets graphic designers can create, digital assets include things that will be seen and interacted with digitally.

Central to digital design assets will be your company’s website — the importance of which cannot be overstated.

Presenting a clean, user-friendly and engaging website designed by professionals is one of today’s leading ways to drive online conversions — in some cases doubling, tripling or even quadrupling them.

What’s more, 46 percent of consumers state they will not trust or make a purchase from a brand whose website lacks a professional “look and feel.”

That’s nearly half of all website visitors. Yikes.

Business digital assets get rounded out by mobile-friendly website design as well as mobile apps, animations and digital advertisements run strategically across the web.



If you have a new project on the horizon or want to explore working with a new creative agency to support your team, give us a call (in English or Swedish!)


Fyrmästaregången 4
413 18 Göteborg


+46 31 703 00 00
+46 706 72 22 21



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